Circo follows the Ponce family’s hardscrabble circus as it struggles to stay together despite mounting debt, dwindling audiences, and a simmering family conflict.
Film Countries Archives: United States
Circus Kids
What happens when a youth circus troupe has the opportunity to travel from St. Louis to Israel to collaborate with the Galilee Circus, a local troupe comprised of Jewish and Arabic children? Circus Kids is a powerful, interfaith film that follows the kids’ experiences and witnesses the understanding that grows between youths who have little in common but their love of the circus.
The Class
The Class follows the year in the life of a French schoolteacher working at a high school in a tough neighborhood of Paris. Cultures and attitudes often clash in the classroom, and his classroom ethics are put to the test when his students begin to challenge his methods.
Copyright Criminals
Copyright Criminals examines the creative and commercial value of musical sampling related debates over artistic expression, copyright law, and money, tracing the rise of hip-hop in New York.
Dark tells the story of one Dark Freeman, a young African American man who finds himself torn between his tough urban roots – living as a resident on the impoverished, crime-ridden south side of Chicago – and his day-to-day life, in the comparatively wealthy and privileged University of Chicago, where he is enrolled as a student. Walking between the two worlds, Freeman must find a way to succeed in both, with the help of lovers, family members, close friends and acquaintances.