Languages Archives: Italian

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Within a maze, a man on a ladder leans over a hedge.

After Work

  Erik Gandini

  Sweden, Italy, Norway     81 minutes


In his wry and insightful new film, Festival alum Erik Gandini (Videocracy, The Swedish Theory of Love) chronicles the past, present, and future of labor. We meet today’s workaholics — a hilarious American motivational speaker; a tragic South Korean office worker — as well as those on the opposite end of the spectrum. These include grossly underemployed young Italians and ordinary Kuwaiti citizens who receive hefty paychecks for sitting in offices doing nothing.

After Work asks big questions: When A.I. and robots take over the global workforce, what is the fate of human industry? Is the promise of universal basic income a blessing or a curse? The film offers few answers, instead using touches of humor, memorable characters, and evocative cinematic images to create an intoxicating and provocative exploration of humanity’s relationship with work, how our jobs define us, and what happens when they’re gone.

 English, Italian, Norwegian with subtitles

Screenings & Events


Film Credits

  •   Jesper Kurlandsky
  •   Johan Söderberg
  •   Fredrik Wenzel
  •   Johan Söderberg
  •   Fasad Production AB


Documentary Program Sponsors

Logo: WTTW (2019)Cynthia Stone Raskin

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Welcome Venice

  Andrea Segre

  Italy      2021    


Brothers Pietro and Alvise, heirs in a long line of fishermen, are at odds about the future of their family home. Is the house on the picturesque island of Giudecca in the Venice lagoon a vital lifeline to a shared history and self-sufficient way of life or their ticket to financial freedom? An epic, impossible clash of wills ensues, bringing into relief the human impact of global tourism on life in the sublime city.

 Italian with subtitles 
  100 minutes



Film Partner

Logo: Italian Cultural Institute - 200x100

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A Girl Returned L’Arminuta

  Giuseppe Bonito

  Italy      2021    


Summer, 1975. A 13-year-old girl mysteriously appears at a farmstead and moves in with the family. Who is she? What is she doing there? Based on a 2017 bestseller, A Girl Returned tells the story of a girl who unwillingly returns to the biological family she never knew and must reckon with her new home and sense of abandonment. Rendered with stunning emotional clarity, the film is a thoughtful examination of childhood, motherhood, and the ties that bind.

 Italian with subtitles 
  110 minutes

Screenings & Events

Post-Screening Discussion

Post-screening discussion led by Professor Veronica Vegna, University of Chicago

Post-screening discussion presented by: Logo: Citi 161x100


Film Partner

Logo: Italian Cultural Institute - 200x100

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Zen in the Ice Rift

  Margherita Ferri

  Italy      2018    


Maia, a talented hockey player and relative loner, is isolated and focused on her future. Training with the boys’ team, she is antagonized for her masculine appearance. But Maia’s world begins to shift when her classmate Vanessa runs away from home and uses Maia’s family lodge as a hideout. The two begin to trust one another as they explore their dormant desires and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

 Italian with subtitles 
  87 minutes



Film Partner

Logo: Italian Cultural Institute - 200x100