Languages Archives: Ukrainian

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  Maryna Er Gorbach

  Ukraine      2022    


July 2014. A Ukrainian family living near the border with Russia finds themselves in the center of an international conflict. The pregnant Irka and husband Tolik resolve to remain in their home, despite the fact that it’s now missing a wall. As they attempt to rebuild, they’re forced to reckon with a complicated new reality—one that includes a mysterious plane crash, rumors of a separatist movement, and the escalation of war.

 Ukrainian, Russian with subtitles 
  100 minutes

Screenings & Events



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A Rising Fury

  Lesya Kalynska, Ruslan Batytskyi

  Ukraine      2022    


Filmed over eight years, A Rising Fury chronicles the evolution of the Russo-Ukrainian war from a deeply personal perspective. The film follows Pavlo, a passionate Ukrainian who enlists in the military following the 2013 Maidan Revolution in Kyiv and Russia’s 2014 invasion of Crimea. Juxtaposing front-line firefights with Pavlo’s love story, the film is a moving document of resistance, resilience, and the human cost of the fight for freedom.

 Ukrainian with subtitles 
  82 minutes



Film Partner

logo: Ukrainian Consulate Chicago 99x100