Film Venues Archives: Gene Siskel Film Center

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Two men wearing matching yellow polos lean against a fence topped with barbed wire, one smokes a cigarettes.

firedream lumbrensueño

  José Pablo Escamilla

  Mexico     80 minutes


Lucas is a teenager in limbo. He and his family have recently started over in a gray, industrial city, where he works aimlessly flipping burgers at a restaurant that never ceases to exploit him. He spends his afternoons with his coworker and friend Oscar, a socially awkward free spirit who resists the family and work pressures to which Lucas feels so beholden. When Oscar suddenly departs on a distant journey, entrusting Lucas with a shoebox full of his memories and most valued possessions, these objects will send Lucas on a path of discovery and connection. Through poetry and photography, he seeks to capture the light he observes amongst the darkness, and bring it back home.

José Pablo Escamilla’s formally daring second feature is a poetic odyssey, searching for meaning in grief and genuine human connection through the act of creating.

 Spanish with subtitles

[spoiler title="Content Considerations"]Suggestion of self harm[/spoiler]Learn about Festival content considerations...

Screenings & Events


Film Credits

  •   Diandra Arriaga
  •   José Pablo Escamilla, Nicolasa Ruiz
  •   Julieta Seco
  •   Miguel Escudero
  •   Diego Solis, Imix Lamak, Teresita Sánchez
  •   Lucerna Records, Isaac Soto
  •   La Biennale Di Venezia
  •   Colectivo Colmena


New Directors Program Sponsors

Robert and Penelope Steiner Family Foundation

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Two men speak to each other. Framed behind them is a large mirrored structure, reflecting trees and buildings.

Depot – Reflecting Boijmans

  Sonia Herman Dolz

  Netherlands     86 minutes


In 2019, Rotterdam’s famed Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen shuttered for renovations, making way for a radical new shimmering art mecca just down the street. Called the Depot, this ambitious construction — composed of walls of curved mirrored glass — was a shared dream of architect Winy Maas and irreverent museum director Sjarel Ex. It reimagines art exhibition as a gigantic, glorified storage unit, with all of its treasures on view for everyone to see.

With a playful approach that even includes musical numbers, ChicagoIFF alumnus Sonia Herman Dolz (The Master and His Pupil, Yo soy así) tracks these two ambitious and passionate visionaries as they work together to break down the old museum, construct the new one, and delicately transport precious masterpieces into their new home. A captivating portrait of both institutions from the inside out, Depot is a glorious ode to both art and architecture.

A pandel discussion will follow the October 12th screening.

 Dutch, English, German with subtitles

Screenings & Events


Film Credits

  •   Sonia Herman Dolz
  •   Sonia Herman Dolz
  •   Rémi van der Heiden, Sonia Herman Dolz
  •   Paul van den Bos, Stef Tijdink, Ruben Hamelink, Marco Nauta, Arne Verbrugh, Manó Szollosi, Sonia Herman Dolz
  •   Sjarel Ex, Winy Maas, Pipilotti Rist
  •   Paul M. van Brugge
  •   Sonia Herman Dolz
  •   Sonia Herman Dolz - Audiovisual


Documentary Program Sponsors

Logo: WTTW (2019)Cynthia Stone Raskin

Film Supporters

Robert and Penelope Steiner Family Foundation • Gary Metzner and Scott Johnson

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A woman in a sequin dress takes a selfie in a public bathroom. Another woman pokes her head in to look.

Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World Nu Aștepta Prea Mult De La Sfârșitul Lumii

  Radu Jude

  Romania, Luxembourg, France, Croatia     163 minutes


Angela, a production assistant working for an anonymous multinational corporation, is tasked with driving around Bucharest filming casting interviews for a promotional video about workplace safety. As she goes door to door collecting employees’ personal experiences of getting injured on the job, a pattern of malfeasance begins to emerge. When a half-paralyzed worker suggests that the company is responsible for his accident, Angela bears witness to a dizzying, hilarious series of corporate backflips.

True to form, in Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World director Radu Jude (Bad Luck Banging or Loony Porn) presents a whirlwind examination of modern existence with a wry, absurdist touch. Observed with a keen understanding of our cacophonous digital world, the film breathlessly satirizes the capitalistic machinery of everyday life while celebrating the boisterous humanity contained therein.

 Romanian with subtitles

Screenings & Events


Film Credits

  •   Ada Solomon, Adrian Sitaru; co-producers: Adrien Chef, Paul Thiltges, Serge Lalou, Claire Dornoy, Ankica Jurić Tilić
  •   Radu Jude
  •   Cătălin Cristuțiu
  •   Marius Panduru Rsc
  •   Ilinca Manolache, Ovidiu Pîrșan, Nina Hoss, Dorina Lazăr, László Miske, Katia Pascariu
  •   Dan Wechsler, Jamal Zeinal-Zade, Andreas Roald
  •   4 Proof Film, Paul Thiltges Distributions, Les Films D'Ici, Kinorama, microFILM


International Competition Program Sponsor

John and Jacolyn Bucksbaum Family Foundation

Comedy Program Sponsor

Logo: The Second City 329x75

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A girl in a pink button-up, soaking wet, looks off camera. Behind her a pond surrounded by lush trees

Family Portrait

  Lucy Kerr

  United States     73 minutes


Spring 2020. A Texas family gathers for a reunion on their sprawling estate. When it’s time to memorialize the proceedings with a family photo, it becomes Katy’s job to wrangle everyone down by the river. Then her mother disappears, and Katy’s unwelcome task morphs into a frantic search as a trickle of news about COVID-19 spreads through the get-together. Fear begins to grip Katy, and reality appears to be tearing at the seams.

Ruminating on life, death, the nature of photography, and existence itself, the film is a brilliantly observed, often slyly humorous picture of the unwieldy chaos of a family gathering and a potent distillation of early pandemic paranoia.


Screenings & Events


Film Credits

  •   Megan Pickrell​, Frederic Winkler, Rob Rice
  •   Lucy Kerr
  •   Karlis Bergs
  •   Lidia Nikonova
  •   Deragh Campbell, Chris Galust, Rachel Alig, Katie Folger, Robert Salas, Veronica Cinibulk, Silvana Jakich, David McGuff, Christian Huey, Les Weiler​
  •   Lucy Kerr, Brittany Reeber​
  •   Insufficient Funds, Conjuring Productions​


New Directors Program Sponsors

Robert and Penelope Steiner Family Foundation

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Two women relax by a body of water in reclined chairs, shaded by a tree.

Foremost by Night Sobre todo de noche

  Víctor Iriarte

  Spain, Portugal, France     109 minutes


When Vera was young, she gave her infant son up for adoption. Years later, she begins a seemingly futile search to find him. When Cora was young, she adopted a young boy, Egoz, after she was told she could not have children of her own. Now the two women’s lives, each a mirror of the other, unite as Egoz is about to turn 18 and their paths finally cross.

A road trip crossing northern Spain, a caper heist, and the discovery of a new family merge into a striking and stylized contemporary noir. Foremost by Night is a masterfully choreographed and ever-surprising examination of the nature of motherhood, and the threads that connect those who search for each other across time and space.

 Spanish with subtitles

Screenings & Events


Film Credits

  •   Isaki Lacuesta, Isa Campo, Tamara García, Katixa De Silva, Valérie Delpierre, Víctor Iriarte
  •   Isa Campo, Andrea Queralt, Víctor Iriarte
  •   Ana Pfaff
  •   Pablo Paloma
  •   Lola Dueñas, Ana Torrent, Manuel Egozkue
  •   Maite Arroitajauregi
  •   La Termita, Atekaleun, CSC Films, Inicia Films


New Directors Program Sponsors

Robert and Penelope Steiner Family Foundation