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A family in a car together, all eyes on a little girl in centerframe. She holds out a note.

In the Rearview Skąd dokąd

  Maciek Hamela

  Poland, France, Ukraine     84 minutes


In the heart of battle-ravaged Ukraine, a minivan picks up civilians, each with their own unique story, as they journey away from their homes to safer points unknown. Filmed almost entirely inside his vehicle, Polish aid worker-turned-filmmaker Maciek Hamela eschews depictions of carnage in order to capture the psychological costs and tragic consequences of the Russian invasion. Squashed in Hamela’s backseat, a family sheds tears over abandoning their cow. A young man speaks stoically about being tortured by Russian soldiers. Five-year-old Sanya has stopped speaking. As Hamela’s taxi navigates checkpoints, minefields, and Russian attacks, In the Rearview displays faces — young and old, devastated and resilient — offering a moving and sublime reflection of humanity in the midst of war.

 English, French, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian with subtitles

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Logo: WTTW (2019)Cynthia Stone Raskin