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Two people sit on the floor of the street and draw a heart. We see that "#HPromise" is written on the heart.

Memorial [short film]

  Jon Siskel

  United States     20 minutes


In the quiet and impactful Memorial (U.S.) the community of Highland Park, Illinois, commemorates those who lost their lives in the Independence Day shooting of 2022. The documentary recollects the attack and chronicles a public memorial created in response by residents in the days that followed. A meditation on processing collective trauma, Memorial uses simple elements–the voices of survivors and site-specific images of the area–to mark the tragedy.

Followed by a post-screening discussion with director Jon Siskel, co-founder of Siskel/Jacobs Productions, whose Louder Than a Bomb and The Road Up screened previously at the Chicago International Film Festival. He will be joined by one of the subjects of Memorial, Jacqueline Von Edelberg, and activist, Delphine Cherry.

Delphine Cherry is the founder of the TY Foundation (Tender Youth); formed after the murder of her son Tyler Randolph. The foundation provides support, resources for family members and loved ones impacted by gun violence in our communities. Delphine is an activist for peace and is on the forefront of the movement to find solutions to America’s gun violence crisis. She also works as an Illinois state lead with Brady United Against Gun Violence.  Delphine has been a resident of Hazel Crest for sixteen years; she grew up on the south side of Chicago.

Jacqueline Von Edelberg is the artist activist who created and nourished the memorial in Highland Park after the deadly attack. Jacqueline is the founder of Arts4Impact.org, working to empower people through the transformative power of the arts.

This film also screens as part of the Shorts 4: Documentary – In Motion program.

 English, Spanish with subtitles

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