Rec. Grade Levels Archives: 10


A young Tutsi girl and Hutu boy fall in love, an army captain tries to stay true to her mission while keeping her humanity intact, and a priest grapples with his faith amidst unspeakable betrayals and horrors. Kinyarwanda magnifies the individual lives of those who suffered and endured in this compelling, wholly original take on the Rwandan Massacre of 1994.

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La Playa D.C.

Tomás, an Afro-Colombian teenager driven from his home by war, settles with his brothers in the section of Bogota known as “La Playa.” Working as a barber’s apprentice, Tomás is just beginning to find a place for himself when his younger brother Jairo disappears. Tomás must make a risk-filled journey in search of Jairo, a rite of passage that forces him to find, and earn, his own identity in this impressive, wonderfully energetic debut film.

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Lalee’s Kin

Lalee’s Kin takes us deep into the Mississippi Delta and the intertwined lives of LaLee Wallace, a great-grandmother struggling to hold her world together in the face of dire poverty, and Reggie Barnes, superintendent of the embattled West Tallahatchie School System. The film explores the painful legacy of slavery and sharecropping in the Delta.

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Lemon Tree

Salma, a Palestinian widow (living there for decades), has to stand up against her new neighbor, the Israeli Defense Minister, when he moves into his new house opposite her lemon grove, on the green line border between Israel and the West Bank. A complex, dark and sometimes funny look at the ongoing struggle in the Middle East, in which all players find themselves alone in their struggle to survive.

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Copyright Criminals

Copyright Criminals examines the creative and commercial value of musical sampling related debates over artistic expression, copyright law, and money, tracing the rise of hip-hop in New York.

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