Pressure Cooker profiles the lives of three high school seniors from Northeast Philadelphia, each with unique hardships but with the shared goal of winning scholarships to the country’s best culinary schools.
Rec. Grade Levels Archives: 11
P*Star Rising
P*Star Rising follows the story of a retired rapper who guides his nine year old daughter through the music business in this exploration of the elusive nature of fame, the determination of youth and the seductive power of celebrity culture.
Public Enemy
Four past members of the Black Panther Party — playwright and former prisoner Jamal Joseph; renowned musician and record producer Nile Rodgers; law professor and lecturer Kathleen Cleaver; and founding party member Bobby Seale — share their personal memories and thoughts on the historic, militant civil rights group that caused a stir in America during the 1960s and ’70s. The subjects also reflect on the organization’s impact on contemporary American society.
Racing Dreams
Racing Dreams is an exhilarating and emotional documentary following a year in the life of three top go-kart racers as they compete for the national championship. Barely 13 years old, Anna, Josh, and Brandon—and their families—must find out if they truly have what it takes to make it to NASCAR.
Harlem Aria
An aspiring opera singer from Harlem teams up with a charismatic busker and a kindhearted hustler to share his voice with the world, and teaches his two newfound friends the importance of taking your destiny into your own hands.