This agile documentary tells the story of Kenny Sailors, a young Wyoming athlete who pioneered his “leaping one-hander” in the 1940s. Featuring the charismatic Sailors, who can still swish at 91, Jump Shot pays tribute to a man—and the move—that changed the sport forever.
Rec. Grade Levels Archives: 9
Edith and Eddie, ages 96 and 95, are America’s oldest interracial newlyweds. Their love story is disrupted by a family feud that threatens to tear the couple apart.
‘63 Boycott
In 1963, 250,000 students boycotted the Chicago Public Schools to protest racial segregation. ’63 Boycott connects the forgotten story of one of the largest Northern civil rights demonstrations to contemporary issues around race, education, and youth activism.
Runaway follows the stories of five young girls who arrive at a refuge in Irans capital city Tehran, having run away from abusive or neglectful families.
Real Women Have Curves
Real Women Have Curves is the story of Ana, a first generation Mexican American teenager on the verge of becoming a woman, who’s torn between her mainstream ambitions and her cultural heritage.